National Infantry Museum

Project Type: Rebranding
Date: 2022

This project is a branding design for the National Infantry Museum. While working at the museum we saw issues with the usage of the prior logo on marketing materials.

Highlighting the issue with the original logo against a green background, the National Infantry Museum was in need of a logo that worked well in every setting. From advertising on shirts or hats the museum was in need of a new visual that offered a design seen in every aspect of design.

The Process
The creation process began with a breakdown of all of the components currently in the old logo. All of these elements gave a message which told a story of the infantry. The question which remained was how do we tell this story in a less cluttered way?

The Resonating Colors
Keeping the color scheme simple was a must. I borrowed the green background from the original design and chose to remove the red flag. This allowed the logo to become more user friendly and clean.

The Font Decisions
Choosing the typeface began with looking into all of the different sans serif options. Did we want to become more modern looking with an Arial looking thin font, or more business oriented? In the end adapting to the idea of keeping tradition brought me back around to choosing the original Stencil font used in the original logo.

The Brand Redesigned
After many meetings and slight variations, the final logo was approved. The new version became a design which instantly allowed clean use in multiple scenarios without the need of a white border.

The Brand Usage

The Annual 2022 At the end of 2022 I was commissioned to build the annual report for the National Infantry Museum. Showcasing the newly designed branding on the front cover, I chose an image that highlighted a parade on the historic walkway. This image represented that COVID pandemic was behind us as a society,

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